Gratitude forest

Project Proposal: Gratitude Forest

The goal of this project is to create a virtual space where one can practice gratitude and build a positive mindset. It is based on the practice and research of gratitude journaling. Using the metaphor of a grateful thought as a seed that will grow into a tree, the aim is to create a virtual forest that grew from a person or a community’s positive thoughts.


The project idea comes from these projects:

Wild flower wild flower

Forest - stay focused, be present forest app

I really enjoy the realistic rendering of the flower in browser and the project gives purpose to the generative art. It utilizes both the physical beauty of the flower and its meaning. As a visitor to the site, not only I can see the flower being generated, but also send it as gift.

Forest is a productivity app that helps user stop checking their phone and focus on the task at hand. It achieves that by block out “grow time” when you can not pick up the phone. It rewards the user with a tree if the goal is reached, otherwise; the tree dies. Using growing tree as a way to represent the desired behavior and a reward is meaningful.

Gratitude forest combines the two projects. It utilizes tree and growth from the Forest app but applied to a different context. Instead of sending a kind thought directly to a recipient, it creates a positive space.


This project can be made as a web application. However; I think it will be more integrated into users’ lives if it’s a browser extension. Because it removes the obstacle for users to remember and go to a url and practice gratitude journaling. Alternatively, it becomes a reminder whenever the users use the internet.

Source Material

I found an experiment on generating plants. Also it is based on a book on this topic.

Algorithmic Plants

The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants

Fractal Trees Videos on Coding Train

Because it aims to create a forest, using three.js to render 3D space is better suited for the goal.

Another consideration is the style of the tree. It can be realistic or stylized. Found examples of stylized generated plants:


Wild Trees

Feedback Questions

Topics that I want to discuss for feedback on the project concept:

  • Growth rate of the trees - one entry per tree or need more entries
  • Reinforce the journaling habit - should the trees dead if the user doesn’t write an entry for a period of time.
  • Personal journal or social - what’s more impactful? A personal journal or a social one?

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